Search Results - nanotechnology

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Apparatus and Method for continuous Production of Semiconductor Nanoparticles
A continuous-flow injection reactor and a method for continuous material synthesis, including synthesis of nanoparticles Background Nanocrystalline semiconductors have attracted a considerable amount of attention due to their unique physiochemical properties. Recent advances in nanocrystals are having a dramatic impact on the development of next...
Published: 6/17/2024   |   Inventor(s): Chih-hung Chang, Hyungdae Jin, Yu-Wei Su
Keywords(s): Advanced Technology and Manufacturing Inst. (ATAMI), Chemicals / Chemical Engineering, Electrical & Computer Engineering, Nanotechnology
Category(s): Chemical, Chemistry, Engineering, Nanoscience & Microtechnologies, Device, Materials Science, Physical Science
Segmented Flow for a Continuous Flow Microwave Reactor
Technology Description This invention is a continuous, segmented flow reactor system and method for the production of high quality NCs with microwave radiation. The system for NCs synthesis consists of an NC precursor configured to include an NC precursor solution with the ability to include a microwave reactor, segmentation fluid source, or other configurations...
Published: 5/10/2021   |   Inventor(s): Gregory Herman, Brian Paul, Chih-Hung Chang, Ki-Joong Kim, Richard Oleksak, Padmavathi Chandran, Eric Hostetler, Brendan Flynn, Daniel Peterson, Bob Fitzmorris, Gustavo Albuquerque
Keywords(s): Advanced Technology and Manufacturing Inst. (ATAMI), Chemicals / Chemical Engineering, Computer Software, Materials Science, Nanotechnology, Photovoltaics
Category(s): Engineering
Atomically Smooth Nanoporous Alumina Thin Films
Technology Description This technology is a novel method for producing near-atomically smooth, porous alumina thin films by spin coating, in ambient conditions, using aqueous precursors. By utilizing this method, the refractive index of the alumina thin film is tunable from 1.56 to 1.26 by the introduction of a nonionic surfactant in the aqueous precursors....
Published: 1/16/2023   |   Inventor(s): Douglas Keszler, Cory Perkins, Ryan Mansergh, Juan Ramos
Keywords(s): Advanced Technology and Manufacturing Inst. (ATAMI), anti-reflective coating, Nanofabrication, Nanoparticles, Nanotechnology, solar cell, Solar flux absorption, Solar Thermal, surface chemistry, Thermal Management, Thin layer chromatography
Category(s): Engineering
Fluidic devices with photo-actuated gates and re-patternable channels
Background Microfluidic devices are a popular means of analyzing minute quantities of samples and feature high-throughput sampling capabilities and suitability for providing highly controlled microreactor environments; however, many types of microfluidic devices and related fabrication approaches can be costly and require great effort and time to...
Published: 6/17/2024   |   Inventor(s): Vincent Remcho, Jintana Nammoonnoy, Myra Koesdjojo
Keywords(s): Advanced Technology and Manufacturing Inst. (ATAMI), Biological & Environmental Engineering, Biomedical, Biotechnology, Chemicals / Chemical Engineering, Diagnostic, Medical Science & Technologies, Multiplexing, Nanotechnology, Physics / Applied Engineering, Research Tools
Category(s): Device, Chemical, Chemistry, Diagnostics, Engineering, Nanoscience & Microtechnologies, Research Tools
Low Cost Methods for Producing Microchannel Process Technology
A manufacturing architecture that uses microchannel flow inserts to enable stamping and avoid photochemical etching Background Microchannel process technology is useful in a variety of applications including heat exchangers, solar cells, hydrogen storage, and chemical reactors. The surface-area-to-volume ratios of microchannels are as large as...
Published: 6/18/2024   |   Inventor(s): Brian Paul, Samuel Brannon
Keywords(s): Advanced Technology and Manufacturing Inst. (ATAMI), Chemical Synthesis, Chemicals / Chemical Engineering, Electrical & Computer Engineering, Energy Storage, Heat exchangers, Heat Transfer, Manufacturing, Mechanical & Areospace Engineering, Metal Alloy, Microchannel, Mixing, Nanotechnology, pharmaceuticals, Physical Science, Physics / Applied Engineering, Process/Procedure, Reactor, Research Tools
Category(s): Device, Engineering, Medical Devices, Nanoscience & Microtechnologies, Physical Science, Research Tools, Sustainability & Cleantechnologies, Transportation
Solution-Based Synthesis of Functional Graphene
PSU researchers have developed techniques to covalently attach single and multiple layers of graphene sheets on substrates. The graphene can subsequently be functionalized for use in nanobiosensor applications. Procedures are being developed for the solution-based synthesis and functionalization of graphene sheets from graphite in a way that is straightforward,...
Published: 2/17/2021   |   Inventor(s): Mingdi Yan, Li-Hong Liu
Keywords(s): Chemistry, Nanotechnology
Category(s): Chemistry
Nitrogen Dioxide Gas Sensor
PSU researchers have developed a new chemical gas sensor capable of detecting nitrogen dioxide (NO2) at levels less than 100ppb (two orders of magnitude more sensitive than current chemiluminescent based NOx sensors), having a dynamic linear range of parts per million to parts per billion, and a speed of detection of 60-120 seconds. Unlike existing...
Published: 2/27/2012   |   Inventor(s): Shalini Prasad, Linda George, Divakara Meka
Keywords(s): Electronics, Nanotechnology, Sensors
Category(s): Chemistry
Mono-Layer and Multi-Layer Nanowire Networks
The fabrication of nanoscale materials (by both bottom-up and top-down routes) has been driven by miniaturization of devices and the limitations of Si COMS technology. Research using one-dimensional nano-wires and nanotubes to fabricate nanodevices has demonstrated their potential applications, including field effect transistors, nano-biosensors, solar...
Published: 3/28/2018   |   Inventor(s): Jun Jiao, Haiyan Li
Keywords(s): Nanotechnology, Physics
Category(s): Nanoscience & Microtechnologies
Nanoporous Membrane Protein Biomarker Detectors
Disease assessment can be based on one or many biomarkers – a specific gene, protein, or other biological substance – that can be used to assess disease progress and aid in determining treatment. Unfortunately, biomarker-based measurements are often slow, expensive or otherwise impractical. PSU researchers have fabricated biomarker detectors with...
Published: 10/16/2020   |   Inventor(s): Shalini Prasad, Ravi Kiran Kondama Reddy, Thomas Barrett
Keywords(s): Electrical & Computer Engineering, Nanotechnology
Category(s): Nanoscience & Microtechnologies
Synthesis of Nanoscale Structures in Defined Locations
Since their discovery in 1991 by microscopist Sumio Iijima, carbon nanotubes have intrigued researchers with their structures and the applications enabled by their unique physical properties. Nanotubes exhibit high chemical resistance and mechanical strength, among other desirable physical properties. However, one ongoing challenge to exploiting these...
Published: 2/22/2021   |   Inventor(s): Jun Jiao, Lifeng Dong, Sean Foxley, David Tuggle
Keywords(s): Nanotechnology, Physics
Category(s): Nanoscience & Microtechnologies
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