Search Results - Medical+Devices

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Electrocatalytic Polymer Biosensor
An extremely sensitive, stable, and specific biosensor using electrocatalytic molecularly imprinted polymers and no enzymes or reagents Background Electrochemical biosensors can successfully detect and quantify diverse biological samples including macromolecules, whole viruses, and cells. Due to their fabrication methods electrochemical biosensors...
Published: 8/25/2023   |   Inventor(s): Li-Jing Cheng, Sanjida Yeasmin
Keywords(s): Biosensors, Medical Device
Category(s): Medical Devices, Device, Diagnostics
Compounds for Thiol-Triggered COS and/or H2s Release and Methods of Making and Using the Same
University of Oregon researchers are studying reactive sulfur species (RSS). Detection, Delivery, and Quantification of Biological H2S Hydrogen sulfide (H2S), commonly known for its unpleasant rotten-egg smell, is now accepted as an important enzymatically-produced biomolecule that plays important roles in living systems. Joining CO and NO in a class...
Published: 5/2/2022   |   Inventor(s): Michael Pluth, Yu Zhao, Matt Cerda
Keywords(s): Science
Category(s): Chemistry, Engineering, Medical Devices, Physical Science, Therapeutics
Thionoesters that Release H2S upon Thiol Ligation
University of Oregon researchers are studying reactive sulfur species (RSS). Detection, Delivery, and Quantification of Biological H2S Hydrogen sulfide (H2S), commonly known for its unpleasant rotten-egg smell, is now accepted as an important enzymatically-produced biomolecule that plays important roles in living systems. Joining CO and NO in a class...
Published: 5/2/2022   |   Inventor(s): Michael Pluth, Matt Cerda
Keywords(s): Science
Category(s): Chemistry, Diagnostics, Medical Devices, Physical Science, Therapeutics
Gamma-ketothiocarbamate molecules that release COS
­University of Oregon researchers are studying reactive sulfur species (RSS). Detection, Delivery, and Quantification of Biological H2S Hydrogen sulfide (H2S), commonly known for its unpleasant rotten-egg smell, is now accepted as an important enzymatically-produced biomolecule that plays important roles in living systems. Joining CO and NO in...
Published: 5/2/2022   |   Inventor(s): Michael Pluth, Yu Zhao
Category(s): Chemistry, Diagnostics, Engineering, Medical Devices, Physical Science, Research Tools, Therapeutics
Blood Separation and Diagnostic Device
Technology Description Oregon State University is seeking a licensee to develop and commercialize products based on a patent pending membrane device that provides a platform for blood separation and analysis. This device is a simple Janus-type membrane-based wicking microfluidic device fabricated on a polycaprolactone-filled glass microfiber membrane...
Published: 1/15/2025   |   Inventor(s): Vincent Remcho, Gayan Bandara, Linus Unitan
Keywords(s): Biomarkers, Blood, Diagnostic, fluid collection, Glass microfiber membrane, Microfluidics, Plastic, Polycaprolactone, sample pretreatment, Separation, Wicking microfluidics
Category(s): Information Technology, Materials Science, Medical Devices, Nanoscience & Microtechnologies, Device, Diagnostics, Engineering, Imaging
Body heat-powered heart beat detection circuit
Technology Description The inventors have designed, implemented, and demonstrated an integrated circuit architecture for robust and automated detection of heartbeats from a two-electrode ECG signal. This uses sufficiently low power (~20μW) that it can be powered entirely by human body heat from a cm-scale TEG module at ~20mV, including wireless...
Published: 6/23/2023   |   Inventor(s): Soumya Bose, Boyu Shen, Matthew Johnston
Keywords(s): battery-less sensors, biosensor, heart rate monitor
Category(s): Engineering, Medical Devices, Nanoscience & Microtechnologies, Physical Science, Device, Diagnostics
Self-Starting Thermoelectric Energy Harvester
An integrated circuit that can cold start a DC-DC boost converter on a very small input voltage Background Energy harvested from body heat using thermoelectric generators (TEG) can be used to power wearable electronics, such as wireless sensors. However, owing to the small temperature gradient between the skin surface and ambient air (∼1-2...
Published: 6/10/2024   |   Inventor(s): Soumya Bose, Matthew Johnston, Tejasvi Anand
Keywords(s): Energy harvesting, thermoelectric, wearable electronics
Category(s): Engineering, Database, Medical Devices, Nanoscience & Microtechnologies, Physical Science
Photoreactor for Treatment of Jaundice
Technology Description Oregon State University is seeking a licensee or research collaborator for development or commercialization of a microfluidic visible light photoreactor for the treatment of jaundice in neonatal patients. The device enables safe extracorporeal blood treatment, making it an excellent replacement for equally effective, yet risky,...
Published: 1/16/2023   |   Inventor(s): John Lahmann, Adam Higgins
Keywords(s): Advanced Technology and Manufacturing Inst. (ATAMI), Bilirubin, Blood, hyperbilirubinemia, light, Medical Science & Technologies, Neonatal, Newborn, Photoreactor, Sepsis, treatment
Category(s): Medical Devices, Therapeutics, Engineering
Mouse Model for Insulin Resistance
Opportunity Description Oregon State University is SEEKING RESEARCH COLLABORATIONS or LICENSEES for pharmaceutical R&D, or obesity and diabetes research, to exploit A NEW TYPE 2 DIABETES MOUSE MODEL. Created by Oregon State University professor Chrissa Kioussi, the mouse model is a SKELETAL MUSCLE SPECIFIC PITX2 NULL MOUSE. Development of the mouse...
Published: 5/10/2021   |   Inventor(s): Chrissa Kioussi
Keywords(s): Biotechnology, Diabetes, insulin resistance, pharmaceuticals, Type 2 Diabetes
Category(s): Biological Materials, Chemical, Medical Devices, Therapeutics
Engineering Mechanisms to Connect One Muscle to Multiple Tendons in Surgery
Technology Description This technology is a new tendon-transfer surgical procedure that uses an implanted passive engineering mechanism for attaching multiple tendons to a single donor muscle. This improves hand function in physical interaction tasks such as grasping over the conventional method of directly suturing multiple tendons to a single muscle.Features...
Published: 1/31/2025   |   Inventor(s): Ravi Balasubramanian, Taymaz Homayouni
Keywords(s): Biomedical, Materials Science, Medical Science & Technologies, Veterinary Science & Technologies
Category(s): Medical Devices, Engineering, Device, Therapeutics
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