Search Results - yu+zhao

3 Results Sort By:
Biological H2S / COS Donation by Thiocarbamates
­University of Oregon researchers are studying reactive sulfur species (RSS). Detection, Delivery, and Quantification of Biological H2S Hydrogen sulfide (H2S), commonly known for its unpleasant rotten-egg smell, is now accepted as an important enzymatically-produced biomolecule that plays important roles in living systems. Joining CO and NO in...
Published: 5/2/2022   |   Inventor(s): Michael Pluth, Andrea Steiger, Yu Zhao
Category(s): Chemistry, Physical Science, Therapeutics
Compounds for Thiol-Triggered COS and/or H2s Release and Methods of Making and Using the Same
University of Oregon researchers are studying reactive sulfur species (RSS). Detection, Delivery, and Quantification of Biological H2S Hydrogen sulfide (H2S), commonly known for its unpleasant rotten-egg smell, is now accepted as an important enzymatically-produced biomolecule that plays important roles in living systems. Joining CO and NO in a class...
Published: 5/2/2022   |   Inventor(s): Michael Pluth, Yu Zhao, Matt Cerda
Keywords(s): Science
Category(s): Chemistry, Engineering, Medical Devices, Physical Science, Therapeutics
Gamma-ketothiocarbamate molecules that release COS
­University of Oregon researchers are studying reactive sulfur species (RSS). Detection, Delivery, and Quantification of Biological H2S Hydrogen sulfide (H2S), commonly known for its unpleasant rotten-egg smell, is now accepted as an important enzymatically-produced biomolecule that plays important roles in living systems. Joining CO and NO in...
Published: 5/2/2022   |   Inventor(s): Michael Pluth, Yu Zhao
Category(s): Chemistry, Diagnostics, Engineering, Medical Devices, Physical Science, Research Tools, Therapeutics
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