Search Results - eugene+tu

2 Results Sort By:
De novo peptide sequencer
Summary De novo protein-sequencing approaches are poised to revolutionize nearly all fields of biological research and medicine; however current approaches are low-throughput and limited in their sensitivity. The current technology is a novel method that could be implemented with existing reagents and equipment to improve de novo peptide sequencing...
Published: 7/19/2024   |   Inventor(s): Eugene Tu, Fehmi Civitci, Kevin Schilling, Mingchong Dai, Nicholas Groves, Justin Plaut, Srivathsan Ranganathan, Andy Mendoza, Riccardo Carloni, Yu-Jui (Roger) Chiu, Emine (Sila) Ozdemir, Bruce Branchaud
Keywords(s): Research Tools, Research Tools - Other
Category(s): Proteomics, Research Tools
Spatially-resolved transcriptomics with enhanced capture and versatility
Summary An improved platform for spatial transcriptomics, which could be mass produced and would allow for overall increased detection of transcripts, including for lower-expressed sequences. Technology Overview Spatial transcriptomics allows for the measurement of gene activity within a sample while mapping where that activity is occurring; however,...
Published: 9/27/2023   |   Inventor(s): Yu-Jui (Roger) Chiu, Fehmi Civitci, Eugene Tu
Keywords(s): Next Generation Sequencing, Research Tools
Category(s): Research Tools
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