The current technology allows for accurate and objective 3-dimensional (3D) mapping of the external limbus, which could ultimately improve the process of scleral lens fitting.
Technology Overview
Rigid scleral lenses are difficult to fit to patients because they must rest on the eye but vault over the cornea and the limbus, which is the transition area between the cornea and the sclera (see Figure). Currently, patients must go through a process of trial and error to have scleral lenses fitted, which is inefficient and highly dependent on a practitioner’s experience. A method to objectively measure the shape of the limbus could provide a more streamlined approach to sclera lens fitting and allow for more customized lens design.
The current optical coherence tomography (OCT) based technology is a novel automated algorithm to map the corneoscleral topography and determine 3D shape. Advantages of the current technology include:
- Quantification and visualization of the limbal shape and deviations from circularity and planarity.
- Good repeatability to generate limbal maps, corneoscleral topographic maps, and corneoscleral profiles.
- Insensitivity to small surface disturbances and irregularities of the eye.
- Improved performance over white-to-white and internal limbus measurements (see Publication).

Llorens-Quintana C, Li Y, Chen S, Fujimoto JG, Huang D. Characterization of the external limbus on corneoscleral topography with ultrawide-field optical coherence tomography. Cont Lens Anterior Eye. 2023 Dec;46(6):102065. Link
Licensing Opportunity
This technology is available for licensing