Non-surgical permanent female contraception using a novel transcervical delivery device

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This catheter device is designed to provide clinicians with a simple, inexpensive office-based procedure for the assessment of tubal patency or delivery of a permanent contraceptive agent to the fallopian tubes.

Technology Overview
Currently, all methods of female permanent contraception require invasive surgery. This limits access to have the procedure, particularly in low-resource areas without adequate surgical facilities.  Thus, an unmet need for less-invasive approaches to permanent contraceptives for women looking for long-term pregnancy prevention exists worldwide.   Globally, the diagnosis of tubal infertility currently requires specialized imaging equipment and trained providers.  A low-cost, office-based approach to diagnosis of fallopian tube patency would also have global impact.

Oregon Health & Science University researchers have developed a tubal selective delivery device, which would provide clinicians with a simple, inexpensive office-based procedure for assessment of tubal patency or for delivery of contraceptive agents directly to the fallopian tubes. Investigators have demonstrated the unique properties of the device using models, and plan to conduct tests of tubal patency evaluation in women in 2023.  Ultimately, they hope to use the device to deliver polidocanol foam, an agent shown to cause permanent tubal occlusion and prevent pregnancy in baboons.  Features of the device and method include:

  • Easy self-positioning placement protocol, similar to intrauterine devices (IUDs), which are already familiar to most women’s health care professionals.
  • Selective delivery of agents to the tubes without pressurization of the uterine cavity.
  • Screening evaluation of tubal patency in a procedure that does not require expensive imaging equipment.
  • Potential for wide adoptability for in-office tubal patency and non-surgical permanent contraceptive procedures, requiring no specialized equipment and compatible with general practitioner and ob/gyn offices.

Jensen et al., “Transcervical administration of polidocanol foam prevents pregnancy in female baboons.” Contraception  94(2016): 527-533. Link

Licensing Opportunity
This technology is available for licensing and/or co-development.

Patent Information:
For Information, Contact:
Lisa Lukaesko
Technology Development Manager
Oregon Health & Science University
Jeffrey Jensen
Ov Slayden
Jian Xin Guo
Philberta Leung
Device - Other
Therapeutics - Reproductive
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