Flexible, Reusable Electrodes for new Applications in Measuring Coating Integrity
From the Lab of Dr. Tami Lasseter Clare, Portland State University, Portland, OR, USA
This technology is a patent pending* flexible hydrogel device for detecting the degradation of various thin coatings in variety of metrology and thin film applications.
*Serial No. PCT/US2014/041743
Innovative new product line in impedance spectroscopy and measurement of coating integrity on metallic and nonmetallic surfaces.
Electrochemical Impedance Spectroscopy is a proven method for measuring surface properties; however, current applications of this technology are limited to rigid planar surfaces. Conductive hydrogel leads developed by Dr. Clare may open new avenues of application in the field of metrology, allowing for measurement of non-planar surfaces which may be
useful in industries such as solar and high voltage electronics.
A conductive anionic hydrogel was synthesized for use as a solid electrolyte for electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS) characterization of the barrier properties of protective coatings. The AMPS-co-PAA hydrogel was soaked in a variety of aqueous salt solutions and characterized by swelling capacity and conductivity in order to determine the most
appropriate gel/liquid electrolyte combination for use on culturally significant objects. K2PIPES-equilibrated hydrogels were selected as the preferred electrodes for this particular application and were used to measure the impedance of a coated substrate, yielding spectra similar to those from standard liquid cells.
Related Web Links
The Lasseter Clare Lab
“Synthesis and Characterization of Flexible Hydrogel Electrodes for Electrochemical Impedance Measurements of Protective Coatings on Metal Sculptures”
Innovation & Intellectual Property Contact
Miska Paulorinne
Innovation Associate
PSU Office: 503-725-8336