Search Results - multimedia

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The Nolli Map: Visualizing Rome
Giambattista Nolli’s engraved map of Rome, created in 1748, is widely regarded by scholars as one of the most important historical documents of the City ever created. The Nolli Map Project at the University of Oregon is a collaborative exploration of the exquisite engraving, from its historic significance to its contemporary application. Visit...
Published: 6/14/2024   |   Inventor(s): James Tice, Erik Steiner
Keywords(s): Education, Internet, Multimedia, Research Tools - Education
Category(s): Education & Training
Atlas of Oregon CD-ROM
The Atlas of Oregon, developed by the InfoGraphics Lab at the University of Oregon is a detailed and comprehensive guide to the geography, economics and history of the State of Oregon. In its new CD-ROM format, the Atlas of Oregon won two top awards in the international Map Design Competition for 2002, conducted by the American Congress on Surveying...
Published: 4/28/2010   |   Inventor(s): Infographics Lab
Keywords(s): Computer, Education & Training, Environmental, Higher Education, Internet, K-12 Education, Multimedia, Research Tools - Education, Software
Category(s): Education & Training
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