Search Results - computer

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Oregon Career Information System (ORCIS)
The Career Information System is available to provide career-related advice and evaluation for all Oregonians. For more information, please visit the ORCIS website. Go to the Office of Technology Transfer
Published: 2/14/2018   |   Inventor(s): Cheryl Buhl
Keywords(s): Computer, Education & Training, Research Tools - Education
Category(s): Education & Training
TAU Performance System
TAU Performance System® is a portable profiling and tracing toolkit for performance analysis of parallel programs written in Fortran, C, C++, Java and Python. TAU (Tuning and Analysis Utilities) is capable of gathering performance information through instrumentation of functions, methods, basic blocks, and statements. All C++ language features...
Published: 4/20/2022   |   Inventor(s): Allen Malony, Sameer Shende
Keywords(s): Computer, Information Technology, Software
Category(s): Software
mSSL offers protected client-to-client data sharing in addition to other features. Conventionally, a client needs to directly request data from a server. A new trend of data service over the Internet is to allow multiple clients, such as thousands of clients of a web server, to share data among themselves in a peer-to-peer fashion. This...
Published: 2/1/2024   |   Inventor(s): Jun Li, Xun Kang
Keywords(s): Computer, Information Technology, Software, Solutions
Category(s): Information Technology
Atlas of Oregon CD-ROM
The Atlas of Oregon, developed by the InfoGraphics Lab at the University of Oregon is a detailed and comprehensive guide to the geography, economics and history of the State of Oregon. In its new CD-ROM format, the Atlas of Oregon won two top awards in the international Map Design Competition for 2002, conducted by the American Congress on Surveying...
Published: 4/28/2010   |   Inventor(s): Infographics Lab
Keywords(s): Computer, Education & Training, Environmental, Higher Education, Internet, K-12 Education, Multimedia, Research Tools - Education, Software
Category(s): Education & Training
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