Search Results - biological+materials

56 Results Sort By:
Development of a Novel Zebrafish Screening System and Identification of a Novel Protein That Induces Pancreatic Beta-Cell Proliferation
HEADLINE: Novel protein induces pancreatic beta cell proliferation, is ideal for diabetes treatment research Our scientists discovered a novel protein that offers a potential new avenue of research for labs developing drugs to treat diabetes. The newly-discovered BefA (β Cell Expansion Factor A) protein acts to increase total pancreatic...
Published: 2/12/2025   |   Inventor(s): Karen Guillemin, Jennifer Hampton
Keywords(s): Biochemistry, Biological Materials, Biotech, Therapeutics, Zebrafish
Category(s): Diagnostics, Therapeutics, Research Tools
Development of a Novel Zebrafish Screening System and Identification of a Novel Protein with Anti-Inflammatory Activity
HEADLINE: Novel protein with strong anti-inflammatory activity has been shown to effectively treat inflammatory bowel disease and prevent septic shock in zebrafish. University of Oregon scientists have discovered a novel protein with strong anti-inflammatory activity. The novel protein has been shown to effectively treat inflammatory bowel...
Published: 11/4/2024   |   Inventor(s): Karen Guillemin, Annah Rolig
Keywords(s): Biochemistry, Biological Materials, Biotech, Research Tools, Therapeutics, Zebrafish
Category(s): Research Tools, Therapeutics, Agricultural, Diagnostics
Recombinant human CD74 for cancer and immunology research
Summary A recombinant chimeric version of CD74 containing the human extracellular domain, which binds MIF-1 and MIF-2 and has the potential as a valuable research tool for cancer and immunology studies examining the CD74-MIF axis. Technology Overview CD74 interactions with migration inhibitory factor (MIF) is a growing area of cancer and immunology...
Published: 9/19/2023   |   Inventor(s): Roberto Meza-Romero, Arthur Vandenbark, Gil Benedek
Keywords(s): Biological Materials, Biological Materials - Protein/Peptides, Research Tools
Category(s): Biological Materials, Research Tools
A biomimetic mineralizing cell-culture medium
Summary A cell culture medium to control mineralization of extracellular matrix (hydrogels) in 2D and 3D cell cultures in regeneration studies. It allows the organic scaffold or matrix to mineralize over a set period of time in the presence of cells resulting in a structure that is similar to natural mineralized tissue. Technology Overview Bones...
Published: 9/30/2022   |   Inventor(s): Luiz Bertassoni
Keywords(s): Biological Materials, Research Tools
Category(s): Biological Materials, Research Tools
Polyclonal rabbit antibody to gonadotropin-releasing hormone (GnRH)
Technology Overview A rabbit polyclonal antibody made against gonadotropin-releasing hormone (GnRH) that is highly specific to mammalian, fish and avian forms of GnRH and has been validated for use in immunohistochemistry and hormone assay systems. Publication Urbanski HF, et al., “The influence of photoperiod and 6-methoxybenzoxazolinone on...
Published: 9/30/2022   |   Inventor(s): Henryk Urbanski
Keywords(s): Biological Materials, Biological Materials - Antibodies
Category(s): Biological Materials
Human cytomegalovirus (HCMV) clinical isolate strain: Gerry
Technology Overview Dr. Jay Nelson has a collection of HCMV strains available for licensing as a package or on an individual strain basis. The full list of strains which are available are listed under OHSU Technology #1221. These are all clinical isolates that are at early passage and have not been adapted to any cell type and should therefore...
Published: 9/16/2020   |   Inventor(s): Jay Nelson
Keywords(s): Biological Materials, Biological Materials - Other, Research Tools, Research Tools - Reagents, Research Tools - Screening
Category(s): Biological Materials, Research Tools
Human cytomegalovirus (HCMV) clinical isolate strain: Edding
Technology Overview Dr. Jay Nelson has a collection of HCMV strains available for licensing as a package or on an individual strain basis. The full list of strains which are available are listed under OHSU Technology #1221. These are all clinical isolates that are at early passage and have not been adapted to any cell type and should therefore...
Published: 9/16/2020   |   Inventor(s): Jay Nelson
Keywords(s): Biological Materials, Biological Materials - Other, Research Tools, Research Tools - Reagents, Research Tools - Screening
Category(s): Biological Materials, Research Tools
Human cytomegalovirus (HCMV) clinical isolate strain: Dement
Technology Overview Dr. Jay Nelson has a collection of HCMV strains available for licensing as a package or on an individual strain basis. The full list of strains which are available are listed under OHSU Technology #1221. These are all clinical isolates that are at early passage and have not been adapted to any cell type and should therefore...
Published: 9/16/2020   |   Inventor(s): Jay Nelson
Keywords(s): Biological Materials, Biological Materials - Other, Research Tools, Research Tools - Reagents, Research Tools - Screening
Category(s): Biological Materials, Research Tools
Human cytomegalovirus (HCMV) clinical isolate strain: Davis
Technology Overview Dr. Jay Nelson has a collection of HCMV strains available for licensing as a package or on an individual strain basis. The full list of strains which are available are listed under OHSU Technology #1221. These are all clinical isolates that are at early passage and have not been adapted to any cell type and should therefore...
Published: 9/16/2020   |   Inventor(s): Jay Nelson
Keywords(s): Biological Materials, Biological Materials - Other, Research Tools, Research Tools - Reagents, Research Tools - Screening
Category(s): Biological Materials, Research Tools
Human cytomegalovirus (HCMV) clinical isolate strain: Brown
Technology Overview Dr. Jay Nelson has a collection of HCMV strains available for licensing as a package or on an individual strain basis. The full list of strains which are available are listed under OHSU Technology #1221. These are all clinical isolates that are at early passage and have not been adapted to any cell type and should therefore...
Published: 9/16/2020   |   Inventor(s): Jay Nelson
Keywords(s): Biological Materials, Biological Materials - Other, Research Tools, Research Tools - Reagents, Research Tools - Screening
Category(s): Biological Materials, Research Tools
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