Emerald Sprite Cotoneaster

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Technology Description

Emerald Sprite (Cotoneaster x suecicus) is a new fire blight resistant cotoneaster cultivar with a highly compact, mounding habit, extremely dense foliage, and short internodes. It is novel for its combination of habit and improved disease resistance.

Features & Benefits

The following traits have been repeatedly observed and are determined to be unique to Emerald Sprite. Collectively, these traits distinguish Emerald Sprite from other available cotoneasters.

  • Highly compact growth form with a clumping growth habit, as opposed to the more standard creeping habit
  • Resistance to fire blight
  • Extremely glossy, dark green leaves with purplish new growth
  • Excellent container production performance
  • Short internodes
  • More vigorous and faster production than other dwarf cultivars such as ‘Tom Thumb’


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