Durable dental composites

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A light-cured, dental resin composite for all types of restorations combining thiourethane oligomers with methacrylamide monomers to increase strength, biocompatibility, and durability.

Technology Overview
Current dental resin composites last, on average, between 5-10 years due to fracture and degradation. Polymerization shrinkage and stress cause degradation at the tooth interface leading to restoration failure. To date, materials developed to reduce polymerization shrinkage and stress have proven inefficient at extending the life span of restorations.

Researchers at the OHSU School of Dentistry developed resin composites that reduce polymerization shrinkage by 10-20% and reduce polymerization stress by 50-75% compared to current resin composites. In addition, the mechanical properties of the resin are significantly improved, allowing for more reliable dental composites.

This innovative resin composite improves the lifetime of dental restorations without modifying clinical protocols of applying dental restoration materials. The addition of novel oligomers to existing commercial products would not change application protocols leading to acceptance by dental practices.

Bacchi A., Consani R.L., Martim, G.C., Pfeifer, C.S. Thio-urethane oligomers improve the properties of light-cured resin cements. Dent Mater. 2015; 31(5): 565-574. Link
Fugolin A., Costa A., Correr-Sobrinho L., Chaw C., Lewis S., Ferracane J., Pfeifer C. Toughening and polymerization stress control in composites using thiourethane-treated fillers. Sci Reports. 2021; 11. Link

Licensing Opportunity
This technology is available for exclusive or non-exclusive licensing.



Patent Information:
Materials Science
For Information, Contact:
Cadence True
Technology Collaboration Manager
Oregon Health & Science University
Carmem Pfeifer
Dental - Coating & Composites
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