Summary The current technology is a highly selective and potent inhibitor of PARP11 that could serve as an immuno-oncology therapeutic and enhance CAR-T cell therapies.
Technology Overview Recent work identified PARP11 as a key component in driving tumor microenvironments (Nature Cancer, 2022), and suppression of PARP11 augmented the therapeutic benefits of chimeric antigen receptor (CAR) T cells.
The current technology is ITK7, a highly-selective and potent PARP11 inhibitor for utility as a cancer therapeutic. Features of ITK7 include:
Publication Kirby I, et al., “A Potent and Selective PARP11 Inhibitor Suggests Coupling between Cellular Localization and Catalytic Activity.” Cell Chemical Biology 25(2018): 1547-1553. Link
Licensing Opportunity This technology is available for licensing.